About the Podcast
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Welcome to Specific Knowledge, a podcast dedicated to exploring how people coordinate and build in a dynamic world where knowledge is distributed and ephemeral. With a focus on creative destruction and the role of blockchain as a decentralizing technology, we discuss new ways to reimagine and reshape the current social order.
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Devin P. Marty
I wrote "The Decision-Making Employee" to share the lessons I have learned at highly regarded business institutions, lessons that might help others succeed in their career endeavors.
I am currently the Strategic Development Manager at WiseSoft, LLC – the company behind the Wise Token. We are proud to have created the first fully decentralized cryptocurrency ecosystem that gives 100% of profits back to our community.
We are setting a new, ethical standard for finance.
Lucas Israel
After 4 years in the USMC infantry and seeing a nation devastated from war, I studied economics, finance and phronesis at the University of Houston Honors College. During this time I joined groups pursuing a more complete and apolitical approach to market mechanics through the study of “Austrian economics,” while making life-long friendships with those who share a love and strong bias towards liberty, freedom and ethics.
I took my understanding of market fragility under legal tender in a modern economy and spent the next several years learning and working in the field of permaculture- a “learn from nature” approach to sustainable and harmonious living systems where love and respect for people is an integral part.
Aware of bitcoin near its genesis, I didn’t join the cryptocurrency market until the summer of 2017, when it was further developed and I took the time to learn about blockchain. Within a few months I was inspired to stay abreast of this emerging technology for better understanding its economic impact, teaching about the positive implications of creative destruction and sharing its potential as a tool for social evolution.
Throughout it all I followed my passion to study religious syncretism, where gnostic and scriptural influence eventually led to my calling to serve the law of christ under IAO ecumenical foreign ministry, an all-embracing church founded on knowledge and love. I am very excited about the positive role this new technology can have for building stronger spiritual communities around the world and I hope to bring my congregation to the blockchain one day!
Ryan McGaughey
I studied economics and political science at the University of Houston and found my niche in monetary theory and macroeconomics. I am fascinated with social science in general and exploring the connections between economics, culture and politics.
I currently work at Wise Beyond Bitcoin, a blockchain education and outreach project.
In my free time I like to read, watch old movies and spend time with my wife and daughter."